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Admirer you .
Friday 17 February 2012 | 00:35 | 0 ChickyCherry

What a day :/ phewwww --' . Boring nyaaa skolah hari niy *selalu bila hari jumaat best jea :( tapi hari niy tah laa . Rasa .. bosan sangat , rasa .. kenape lah pegi sekolah hari niy . ishhh . EH , EH . know what . :D I LIKE A NEW PERSON NOW ! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D Nak taw sape ? hm , meh sini Emy bagi hint , kayy ?

Niy dy . Who-Is-He ?
Guess who ? 
Kay , i STOLE this picture from his FB . :p
little bit EDIT !
We are in the same age .
we from the same class ' 4 JUJUR ' :3
For me , He is the most adoreble boy in my class :3
it hard to hear his voice . His the SILENT one . maybe . 

Im getting shy to wrote all this things :3 . kay , we never talk , even once . never :/ satu kelas pon tak penah bertegor kan . Believe it or not ? The best things about him is he was a NEAT :D . the characteristics of my dream man . But , i cannot hope this time . cause he never ------ :( . get it ?

*Erhh , Emy , jangan nak suka-2 orang sangat lah kan ~ March test is around the corner jee . hewhew 

Serious , tadi kat sekolah Emy rasa jelly sangat . *padahal takde pape pon . Mesti sapa-2 yang bace niy nak cakap Emy niy ' macam-2 ' kan ? so , what ? Lumrah kot , perempuan suka lelaki and lelaki suka perempuan . kan , kan ? OHHMY G ! tadi dy demam rupanya , hm ' SEMOGA CEPAT SEMBUH YEE :) ' ERRRRR , bila nak ada BF niy ? Nak A.A nak A.A < kay gedik :3 


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